Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Single in Suburbia

Single in Suburbia by Wendy Wax

As if cleaning one house wasn't enough, homemaker Amanda now cleans all of her neighbors' homes while disguised as a French maid. Well, we know those plot twists aren't going to work out all neat and tidy...

I reviewed it. 367 pgs.

Also, I finished...

Cyber Cinderella by Christina Hopkinson

I firmly believe that if a book invokes the image of Cinderella in it's title, it should be more fairy tale and less internet-stalker-creepy than this one. That said, this book kept me guessing until the end, when I was pleasantly surprised. Also, I like that the crazy stalker site in the book is real...

I reviewed it. 271 pgs.

And randomly, I did some serendipitous shopping tonight. I picked up the new Douglas Coupland book, jPod, which claims to update Microserfs for the age of google. I read and loved Microserfs when it came out, and spent all of college imagining myself in that work environment when I grew up. Little did I know how much the world would change. Thank goodness Coupland is willing to redefine things for us again!

And, Bruce Springsteen has a new album We Shall Overcome: Seeger Sessions. And it's my idea of a perfect album ...when awesome rock stars discover folk music legends and record live albums with new arrangements of old traditonal social justice and folk hero ballads.

Life is good.


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