more waiting, more reading
Tanzey dropped off a new ARC for me, and I read it all last night. Unravel Me. It's the sequel to How to Knit a Wild Bikini by Christie Ridgway -- this one follows the third sister, Juliet. It's a good setup because now there have been two books were we didn't quite get the first sister's story and from the sample chapter at the back of book two, it looks like Cassandra's story will finally be told in the third book. I'll review it for 304 pages.
The Education of Mrs. Brimley - not to give it all away, but the moral of the story is - don't pretend to be aa sexually experienced widow if you are going to become a sex-ed teacher. 325 pages
I had high hopes for a new paperback romance called Lord Scandal, but I'm returning it to the library because around page 40 everyone in the book has started complaining about pregnancy. Here is the last sentence I read before I closed the book "It's no wonder the polite world refers to pregnancies as confinements. God knows that's how it feels sometimes."
Somehow, since I am at work again this morning and 5 days past my due date, this just struck me the wrong way.... I read the first 40 pages....