unwritten rule
It's that time again (hence the many fill-in posts today trying to get caught up) when I celebrate another year of reading (measured from the first birthday when I started this blog.)
The new Jennifer Crusie Bob Mayer book WILD RIDE -- I was so looking forward to it -- they have written two action adventure romances together and I enjoyed both of them a lot. Books often give away too much on the inside cover description, so without reading about the story, I got the book from the library's 14 day shelf, saw a roller coaster on the front (I love amusement parks as a fictional setting!) and dived right in.
Another older one I forgot to post here.
Another older one I forgot to post here.
I listened to the audiobook - maybe I was too embarrassed that I am starting to enjoy this series to actually post about it. I didn't review it for the library either. But I would totally read the third book when it comes out. Is that wrong?
Found another one I missed -- not sure I have the energy to actually compare my library reviews to my personal site but it is becoming clear to me that I have taken the library reviews a bit more seriously of late... oops.
I read this in February but just realized I never posted about it here. -- This is my review from the library's website. 390 pages.
Wedding Season by Katie Fforde
The new Connie Willis novel finally arrived. After I paid full price plus shipping for the hardcover, I quickly realized I was never going to have time to read an actual book, so I paid another $9.99 for the Amazon Kindle edition on my iPhone, which I read in about a week mostly in late-night baby holding sessions of furtive reading in the dark over her head....